Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Example of Rome's Fall Pt 1: Militarily

Inevitably, these inquiries carry us to the tip of the fall of Rome. One immense cause for Rome's decline was due to, ironically, the vastness of its military.[1] The Roman legions had an enormous amount of land to protect. This immense empire at its height stretched around the Mediterranean Sea completely, to the Euphrates River in the east, North to Scotland and South to the tip of the Sahara desert.[2]

[1] N.S. Gill, “The Size of Roman Legions,” About, accessed November 13, 2012,
[2] Lynn Harry Nelson, “Rome at Its Height: The Roman Empire,” Medieval History, accessed November 10, 2012, 

Rome never possessed more than twenty-eight legions.[3] A complete legion was formally made up of 6,000 men, but in most cases they consisted of fifty-three hundred men incorporating officers.[4] These legions were made up largely from volunteer soldiers from the general public, this being a large difference from the traditional Greek way of doing things. [5] Not only were the troops incredibly small for such a vast amount of land, but they were spread out across the empire to put down raids and at times were not readily available to protect some of Rome's most prized areas.[6] To remedy this, Rome employed a large number of auxiliary units, which roughly numbered the same amount as the combined legions and equipped Rome with soldiers to take up arms at any moment.[7] These auxiliaries were Rome's first means of resistance and were not paid as much as the legions.[8] They did, however, serve to double the size of the army between the reign of Augustus to Diocletian and the civil service doubled in this time as well. [9]

[3] “Organization of the Roman Imperial Legion,” UNRV, accessed November 8, 2012,
[4] Ibid.
[5] “The Roman Legion,” Minimum Wage Historian, accessed November 12, 2012,
[6] Ibid.
[7]Who Were They,” Legvi, accessed November 12, 2012,
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid. 

Astounding as these vast numbers are, Rome was larger than its legions could occupy. Averaging two million square miles, the amount of soldiers in Rome was simply not enough to properly defend its massive borders.[10] Invariably, Rome was frequently stretched to its limits. It's legions were required to secure its citizens against barbarian invaders who frequently led bloody revolts against the Empire and as a result of this, were constantly pushed to move back and forth across the vast miles of territory the Empire encompassed.[11] Not at all differently, our own American military is stretched out across vast amounts of territory.[12] 

[10] “On The Borders,” PBS, accessed November 2, 2012,
[11] Andrew Curry, “Roman Frontiers,” National Geographic, last modified November 2, 2011,
[12] “Organization,” Army, accessed November 12, 2012, 

As both of these superpowers are entwined in their vast military standings, it is easy to see how in this same area they could be entwined in their subsequent declines. This huge military presence that both have in common undoubtedly has it’s downfall. In light of our own nation, for example, it has proven to be quite expensive, costing America an estimated 700 billion a year excluding other more recent war costs.[13]As the Roman army was extended to its breaking point because of the incredible amount of territory it had conquered and now had to secure, the American military is continually being detailed as extended to her breaking point by the extent she goes to to engage in foreign policy. [14]

[13] “Map Of U.S Military Bases Around The World,” Hidden Harmonies, last modified February, 8, 2010,
[14] Ibid. 

In an interview with Ted Koppel, Americas recent involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq was observed,[15] Koppel openly observing how these wars were inevitably a great burden to the American economy while not being immediately recognized by the American public.[16] He questions whether or not American's would have funded these wars had they been asked to pay a tax on them, and it is the opinion of many citizens that the amount of finances poured into our nations vast military influence should be poured into different aspects of our nations future.[17]

[15]Op-Ed: Burdens of War Unevenly Shared in U.S,” NPR, last modified August, 9, 2010,
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid. 

In the midst of all these patterns, there are the obvious questions. What happened to Rome because of her vast military presence and massive borders? In light of the wealth and fame Rome had achieved, the answers are striking. To defend her massive border, Rome was forced to spend exceedingly on her military.[18] The inevitable strain on the economy was met by much confusion and disillusion from her citizens.[19] Many citizens were no longer willing to support Rome's armed forces, and the level of national pride that had once flourished in Rome began to dwindle.[20] Furthermore, it was unavoidable that Rome eventually did not have enough financial weight coming into the Empire through taxation as it did going out of the Empire through military spending to sustain it's enormous government.[21] Irrevocably, this resulted in devaluation of currency, evaporation of the middle class, and sky-rocketing inflation.[22] One cannot help but ask in light of such compelling patterns between Rome and America, "Could American government be on the same path?" Indeed, wars are a costly commodity and America in recent years has been no stranger to this. Could the influence of the Cold War and the War on Terror have influenced America more negatively than it has positively by causing her to see the need to further defend herself to the extent of her own demise? Although these questions can only be debated today, there is no doubt that they will be answered before the American public in the near future. Is it possible that such historic events such as the fall of powerful Rome were meant to serve as warning signs to powerful future nations like our own? Could we be ignoring the most important references and examples that we have? With these questions in light, let us move on to our next point of reference between these two joined by such peculiar events throughout the course of history. 

[18] Jari Eloranta, “Military Spending Patterns In History,” EH, last modified February, 5, 2012,
[19] Richard Bonney, "France, 1494-1815," in The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe c. 1200-1815, ed. Richard Bonney (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999)
[20] Marjolein ’t Hart, "The United Provinces, 1579-1806," in The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe c. 1200-1815, ed. Richard Bonney (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999).
[21] Ibid.
[22] N.S Gill, “Fall of Rome – Why Did Rome Fall,” About, accessed November 16, 2012, 


Bonney, Richard. "France 1494-1815 ." The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe 1200-1815 (Oxford), 1999.

Curry, Andrew. Roman Frontiers. January 2, 2009. (accessed November 12, 2012).

Elonanta, Jari. Military Spending Patterns In History. February 5, 2012. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Gill, N.S. Fall of Rome - Why Did Rome Fall? . July 17, 2008. (accessed November 16, 2012).

Gill, N.S. The Size of Roman Legions. March 2, 2011. (accessed November 13, 2012).

Hart, Marjolein. "The United Provinces 1579-1806." The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe 1200-1815 (Oxford), 1999.

Map of U.S. Military Bases Around the World. February 8, 2010. (accessed November 9, 2012).

Nelson, Lynn Harry. Rome at Its Height: The Roman Empire. April 7, 2011. (accessed November 10, 2012).

On the Borders. June 6, 2010. (accessed November 2, 2012).

Op-Ed: Burdens of War Unevenly Shared in U.S. August 9, 2010. (accessed November 10, 2012).

Organization. June 6, 2000. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Organization of the Roman Imperial Ligion. November 8, 2010. (accessed November 12, 2012).

The Roman Legion. May 12, 2009. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Who Were They. March 3, 2012. (accessed November 8, 2012).

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