Sunday, November 4, 2012

Economics (Part A)

In an effort to thwart these large military spendings, both Rome and America have turned to a similar route of action: devaluing the currency. 

An easy place to start is by simply taking a look at the mental outlook of the leaders of Rome at the end of the second century A.D. Many Roman historians speak of this era as "The Crisis of the Third Century", for the reason that the problems in Rome at this time were so severe that Roman society came out very different than it had looked previously. [1] To get an inside look at the mental outlook of the Roman emperors during this era, we can take a look at the advice that the emperor Severus gave to his sons upon his death bed. His last words to his heirs are said to be, "Live in harmony with each other, enrich the troops, ignore everyone else."[2]

[1] Pat Southern, “Third Century Crisis of the Roman Empire,” BBC, last modified February, 17, 2011,
[2] Patrick Hurley, “Septimius Severus,” Ancient, last modified April 11, 2011, 

Unfortunately, Severus' son Caracalla soon took the throne solely by murdering his brother. He is, however, said to have stayed true to his father's request of enriching the troops, saying, "I am one of you and it is because of you alone that I care to live, in order that I may confer upon you many favors; for all the treasuries are yours."[3] Caracalla proved to be as good as his word, raising their pay by 50% while at the same time doubling the taxes payed by Roman citizens.[4] When this method was no longer satisfactory in serving his needs, he began to debase the coinage. The fundamental coinage system in the Roman Empire up to this point was the denarius launched by Augustus at approximately 95% silver.[5] The other system of coinage was the gold-based Aureus, which equalled twenty-five denarii at Rome's height. [6]
The denarius continued as the fundamental means of exchange for nearly two centuries. For many years this worked fantastically, and Rome flourished. But as the glory and plunder of conquest faded and the price of the empire grew by the costliness of war and overspending, it wasn't long before the purity of the coinage reached an all-time low and inflation peaked. By Trajen's rule in 117 A.D, the denarius consisted of approximately 85% silver. By Severus it had fallen to 60% silver and Caracalla lessened it still to 50%. [7]

[3] Patrick Hurley, “Life of Caracalla,” Ancient, last modified on June 19, 2011,
[4] Ibid.
[5]Roman Currency of the Principate,” Tulane, accessed on November 14, 2012,
[6] Ibid.
[7] Marion Butler, “When Gold is King,” Gold-Eagle, last modified February 15, 2002, 

Caracalla went further by debasing the gold coinage as well.[8] During Augustus' reign, the gold coinage circulated at a rate of approximately 45 coins to a pound of gold.[9] Caracalla upped this standard to approximately 50 to a pound of gold, and this only proved to heighten with each ruler after him, reaching the high of 70 to a pound in Constantine's time. [10]

[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid. 

There were also other problems. As the Empire changed to a defensive policy in the second century, it could no longer depend on the continual income that came with newly seized territory which it had so greatly relied on during it's glory years.[11] This eventually showed its wear on the empire by means of the inability of taxation to any longer pay for the Empire's enormous spending.[12] With no new findings of precious metals to make new coinage, the Roman emperors were in a sticky situation and needed to find a way to neatly fix the problem.[13] The only option they had, in large part, was to debase the coinage.[14] The real critical point in Roman history, however, occurred after Caracalla in a period of civil war and invasion by foreigners.[15] At this point the emperors of Rome forsook a silver coinage entirely.[16] By 268 the only one's being paid in gold were the barbarian troops and the denarius had been lowered to an appalling 0.5% in silver, containing one part silver for every twenty parts copper by the late third century.[17] The situation began to change with Diocletian, who raised the weight of the gold coinage to 60 to a pound of gold.[18] He also made major reforms in the silver coinage by introducing the Argentius at 96 to a pound of silver. The Argentius equalled fifty of the former denarii and was issued along with the bronze Numis, which approximated at 10 to a denarii.[19]

[11] Reinert, Sophus A. 2010. "Lessons on the Rise and Fall of Great Powers: Conquest, Commerce, and Decline in Enlightenment Italy." American Historical Review 115, no. 5: 1395-1425. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 16, 2012)
[12] Ibid.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15]  Marion Butler, “When Gold is King,” Gold-Eagle, last modified February 15, 2002,
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid.
[18] Ralph W. Mathisen, “Diocletian,” Roman-Emperors, accessed November 13th, 2012,
[19]Diocletian Reforms the Money System and the Coinage,” Jays Roman History, accessed November 10th, 2012, 

Regardless of all of Diocletian's reforms, however, the inflation in Rome rose by 100%.[20] Less than a decade later the Numis had been decreased to 20 to a denarii and the Argentis had dropped to a staggering 100 to a denarii.[21] Although Diocletian had worked hard to incorporate a stable monetary system, his reforms had only begun after an Aureus was worth 833 Denarii. Inflation and hyperinflation were soon to follow, the ratio soon being 4,350:1 twenty years from Diocletian and approximately 275,000 silver units worth one gold unit.[22] Inevitably, this inflation hit the poor and the middle class the hardest.[23] The Roman financial system, at one point a superpower of great envy, had begun to decay under the hand of a series of emperors and bureaucrats who spent extravagantly.[24] Is this beginning to strike a chord of familiarity with you?

[20] Ibid.
[21] Roman Currency of the Principate, Tulane, accessed November 12th, 2012,
[22] Ibid.
[23] Bruce Barlett, “How Excessive Government Killed Ancient Rome,” Cato, last modified September 7th, 1994,
[24] Ibid. 

One of the most interesting things about the inflation in Rome was that while the Roman state survived, the inflation served to destroy a different aspect of Rome; namely the economic freedom of the Roman people.[25] Up to this point, except for in emergencies usually related in some way to war, the Roman government had followed a policy of free trade and minimal restriction on economic activity towards its citizens, much like America.[26] Now, however, under this rising pressure of inflation and need to pay the troops, the freedom of the citizens began to seriously erode. [27]

Fast-forward to 2012, the United States of America is facing one of the largest economic crisis' since the Great Depression of the 1930's.[28] Inevitably, politicians have turned to spouting off intense lines about the need for someone to resolve this issue of America's economy. They blame various sources for this dramatic upheaval, chief among them being the free market and various forms of greed among citizens.[29] Nevertheless, after such a plummeting amount of evidence from ancient history, would it not be wise for America to look in the review mirror? This country, too, has spent well beyond its means for an increased period of time. Rather than listening to politicians rant and rave about free markets and the issues of trade, should we perhaps be looking instead into the review mirror of time? Or how about looking at examples such as those laid out for us by the great Roman Empire of old and the ability of great expenditures to overwhelm the sum of the revenue coming into a government; regardless of that government’s greatness? 

[25] Ibid.
[26] Naphatali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold, Roman Civilization, vol. 1, Selected Readings:  The Republic and the Augustan Age, 3rd ed. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), 159-160
[27] Ibid.
[28] Peter Ferarra, “The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression,” Spectator, last modified March, 14, 2012,
[29] Ibid. 


Barlett, Bruce. How Excessive Government Killed Ancient Rome. April 16, 2010. (accessed November 10, 2012).

Butler, Marion. When Gold Is King. May 25, 2010. (accessed November 6, 2012).

Diocletian Reforms The Money System and the Coinage. November 1, 2012. (accessed November 11, 2012).

Ferarra, Peter. The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression. March 14, 2012. (accessed November 10, 2012).

Hurley, Patrick. Life of Caracalla. April 29, 2011. (accessed November 2, 2012).
—. Septimius Severus. April 10, 2012. (accessed November 10, 2012).

Mathisen, Ralph W. Diocletian. November 10, 2012. (accessed November 12, 2012).

Reinert, Sophus, A. "Lessons On the Rise and Fall of Great Powers: Conquest, Commerce, and the Decline in Englightenment Italy. ." Lessons On the Rise and Fall of Great Powers: Conquest, Commerce, and the Decline in Englightenment Italy. (American Historical Review) 5, no. 5 (November 2012): 1425.

Reinhold, Naphatali Levis and Meyer. "The Roman Republic and the Augustan Age ." Roman Civilization, The Republic and the Augustan Age (Columbia University Press) 1 (1990): 159-160.
Roman Currency of the Principate. March 5, 2011. (accessed November 18, 2012).

Southern, Pat. Third Century Crisis of the Roman Empire. February 17, 2011. (accessed November 12, 2012).

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