Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Foundation: Rome and America: Patterns

Few events in history are so intriguing to so many minds as the decline and fall of Rome. From 27 BC to 476 AD the empire reigned over a majority of the Western world and the eastern half survived on it's own as The Byzantine Empire until 1453 AD. At its height this vast and powerful Empire spread from Egypt in the south to Britain in the north and Syria in the east.[1] Rome, at one point, possessed the best conditioned soldiers in the world, conquered many great nations, had an economy that flourished with trade, and a vigorous government that conformed vast areas to unity under their laws.[2]

[1] Dr. George C Boeree, “The Philosophies and Religions of the Roman Empire,” Webspace, assessed November 10, 2012,
[2] Ibid. 

Today, Rome's law and form of government continues to be the foundation for which our own legal system stands.[3] It's no wonder why so many continue to stand in awe of it's fall; as this was the glorious civilization dedicated to conquest and commitment to discipline which in many ways created peace, order, institutions of senate, democracy, and perpetuated the Greek tradition of government into today's western world.[4]

[3] Steven G. Calabresi, 2004. "The Historical Origins of the Rule of Law in the American Constitutional Order." Harvard Journal Of Law & Public Policy 28, no. 1: 273-280. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 16, 2012).
[4] Ibid. 

Rome also contributed in a priceless way to modern architecture and technology. The use of concrete in building feats which gave way to entertainment sites such as the Coliseum; capturing the awe of thousands across the Empire far and wide.[5] The invention of the aqueduct, providing fresh water to millions who occupied Rome (a feat that was largely lost all throughout the Middle Ages.)[6] Roman roads were in use for thousands of years and some of them still survive today.[7]

[5] Rahmatabadi, Saeid, and Reza Toushmalani. 2011. "Physical Order and Disorder in Roman Architecture Style." Australian Journal Of Basic & Applied Sciences 5, no. 9: 399-405. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 16, 2012).
[6] Ibid.
[7] “Roman Roads,” History Learning Site, accessed November 12, 2012, 

Rome had its beginnings as humble tribes ruled largely by Etruscan kings.[8] The Romans rose up in revolt against the monarchy in 509 BC, terming King Tarquin a tyrant.[9] The Etruscan monarchs were overthrown by the protege of Caesar, Marcus Brutus, in a campaign to set up their own republic with the basis that no man would possess an exceeding amount of power.[10] Nevertheless, it was the Etruscan civilization that influenced much of the Greek culture adopted by the Roman Republic, including their alphabet, architecture, early religious beliefs and agricultural practices.[11] This series of events happened in very much the same way that America went about provoking the revolution, and the Founding Fathers of our government largely looked to the Romans and Greeks as a model, in hopes to learn from their mistakes.[12] 

[8] F. Cavazzi, “The Early Roman Republic,” Roman Empire, last modified April 12, 2012,
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Cynthia Haven, “Stanford scholar links Rome and America in Philadelphia exhibition,” Standford, last modified February 19, 2010, 

The Founders had ample evidence to look to ancient Rome for lessons from history, for they knew that Greek city-states up until Rome had produced some of the most chaotic governments in history, in nearly all cases ending in mob rule, anarchy, and tyranny under a central ruler.[13] During this period, a man named Solon encouraged the establishment of a secure form of government not subject to majority rule.[14] Although the Greeks never accepted the advice of Solon, the Romans did.[15] Based on their knowledge of Solons ideas of law they created the twelve tables of Roman law and constructed a republic in which government was restricted much like the early United States. [16] Because government was restricted, the citizens of Rome were liberated to produce with the understanding that they could possess the benefits of their toil.[17] In time, Rome became a prosperous superpower and the leading light of the western world. 

[13] “The Fall of Ancient Greece,” Squidoo, accessed November 13, 2012,
[14] N.S Gill, “Solon’s Constitution,” Ancient History, accessed November 8, 2012,
[15] Lloyd Duhaime, “530 BC – Solon’s Laws (Greece), Duhaime, last modified September 20, 2010,
[16] Ibid.
[17] Ibid. 

Despite the heights of their successes, however, the Romans failed to remember the foundations of their initial liberty and their mighty empire eventually crumbled. At the beginning of the fifth century B.C, the Roman Empire was under assault.[18] Barbarians pushed onto the frontiers in response to changing weather patterns and distant tribes began sweeping before them.[19] It wasn't long until these tribes were able to defeat the already weakened Roman army and the Roman Empire was split in half.[20] But aside from these exterior facts, what really led to the demise of the Roman Empire? Were the reasons for this split entirely exterior, or can the origins of such a dramatic break be traced back to much larger interior problems that in turn caused Rome's exterior demise?

[18] “The Fall of Rome,” Eyewitness to History, accessed November 12, 2012,
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid. 

As is the case in much of history, the origins of Rome's fall can be traced back to the happenings of much earlier events. It turns out that Rome was in a heap of trouble, and the troubles were not only skin deep. The Romans had dropped their guard economically, going deeply into debt as inflation skyrocketed and trade deficits with China and India shot through the roof.[21] On top of the economic crisis that was unfolding, the hierarchy had become corrupt with dominion seeking statesmen beginning to surpass the powers permitted them in the Roman Constitution.[22] Soon they recognized that they could vote in politicians who would utilize government power to lay hold of property from one and hand it to another.[23] The army learned it could play kingmaker and soon wielded its powers to great ends.[24] Agriculture and private cities were replicated as well as residence and health programs.[25] Taxes rose inevitably and powers over the privately owned sectors were enforced.[26] Wealthy monopolies surfaced and got around taxation which ultimately led a virtually nonexistent middle class.[27] Soon after, a great number of Rome's manufacturers were powerless to make ends meet.[28] Fruitfulness declined, scarcity developed, and multitudes of outsiders poured in where weakness prevailed.[29]

[21] Joseph R. Peden, “Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire,” Mises, accessed November 10, 2012,
[22] Ibid.
[23] Ibid.
[24] Ibid.
[25]Peter Heather, “Why Did Rome Fall? Its Time For New Answers,” HNN, last modified July 13, 2007,
[26] Ibid.
[27] Ibid.
[28] Lawrence W. Reed 1979. "The Fall of Rome and Modern Parallels: The Respect For Life and Property" Vital Speeches Of The Day 45, no. 20: 629. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 17, 2012).
[29] Ibid. 

Naturally, we are brought to the edge of dilemma in fathoming the idea of such a magnificent empire coming to an end. Scholars for years have debated the causes of Rome's fall. Some attribute it to the metallurgy containing led and poisoning the elite.[30] Some attribute it to the decay of moral standards and interbreeding of the elite,[31] and still other's claim that Rome's fall was due to the lack of a trained army in its latter years, which in turn led to it's subsequent overthrow by barbarians.[32] Standing in sharp contrast to the various theories of decline, however, are the similarities that exist between Rome and a comparable model that exists in our present day and age, the United States of America.[33] The similarities between these two superpowers is striking even from their humble origins. Indeed, both attained great power by humble beginnings. Both revolted against kings they termed "tyrants" and rose to prominent empires.[34] Both began as republics that sought to form a system of government that never gave total allowance of power to one individual solely.[35] Both states rose and expanded.[36] Both fought mighty battles and reached noble status through the overall wealth of the nation and the supremacy of their armed forces.[37] Both offered citizenship to the common man and both sought to hold systems of government in which a man could largely keep the fruits of his labor.[38] In light of these plentiful similarities, it is only natural for any curious mind to probe further in asking, "Could these two who are so similar in their origins also be similar in the path of their demises?" 

[30] N.S Gill, “Fall of Rome, Why Did Rome Fall” About, accessed November 12, 2012,
[31] “Household Sex,” Roman Empire, accessed November 8, 2012,
[32] “Fall of Rome, The Military’s Role,” 123 Help Me, accessed November 9, 2012,
[33] Martin M. Winkler. 2010. "Ancient Rome and Modern America." American Historical Review 115, no. 2: 529-530. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed November 17, 2012).
[34] T.S.Tsonchev, “Is America the New Rome,” The Montreal Review, accessed November 12, 2012,
[35] Ibid.
[36] Ibid.
[37] Ibid.
[38] Joseph R. Peden, “Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire,” Mises, accessed November 10, 2012,


Boeree, Dr. C George. The Philosophies and Religions of the Roman Empire. June 2, 2000. (accessed November 10, 2012).

Calabresi, Steven G. "The Historical Origins of the Rule of Law In the American Consitutional Order." Harvard Joural of Law & Public Policy 1 (2010): 273-280.

Cavazzi, F. The Early Roman Republic. April 12, 2012. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Duhaime, Lloyd. 530 BC - Solon's Laws (Greece) . September 20, 2010. (accessed November 15, 2012).

Gill, N.S. Fall of Rome, Why Did Rome Fall. April 10, 2012. (accessed November 8, 2012).

— Solon's Constitution. April 7, 2012. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Haven, Cynthia. Stanford Scholar Links Rome and America in Philadelphia Exhibition. February 19, 2010. http://new.stanford.ecu (accessed November 11, 2012).

Heather, Peter. Why Did Rome Fall? Its Time For New Answers. July 13, 2007. (accessed November 8, 2012).

Household Sex. March 8, 2008. (accessed November 8, 2012).

R.Peden, Joseph. Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire. June 8, 2008. (accessed November 10 , 2012).

Rahmatabada Saeid, Reza Toushmalanii. "Physical Order and Disorder in Roman Architecture Style." Austrailian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 5 9 (2000): 399-405.

Reed, Lawrence W. "The Fall of Rome and Modern Parallels: The Respect for Life Liberty and Property." Vital Speeches of the Day 45 20 (2012): 629.

Roman Roads. June 8, 2000. (accessed November 12, 2012).

The Fall of Ancient Greece. March 8, 2012. (accessed November 13, 2012).

The Fall of Rome. February 3, 2000. (accessed November 12, 2012).

Tsonchev, T.S. Is America the New Rome? November 8, 2009. (accessed November 12, 2012).

Winkler, Martin M. "Ancient Rome and Modern America ." American Historical Review 2 (2012): 529-530.

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